VTA Boosts Communities Through TOC Program

More than a dozen community-based organizations and local agencies throughout Santa Clara County received funding from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), San Jose, CA, through the agency’s program to enhance transit-oriented communities (TOC).
“Through the TOC Grant Program, VTA is empowering communities to take an active role in shaping their future,” said VTA General Manager and CEO Carolyn Gonot. “These projects will not only enhance access to transit but also help create inclusive, sustainable neighborhoods where all our residents can thrive.”
Projects funded through the program received $15,000-175,000 to advance the creation of vibrant, equitable, and sustainable public spaces, housing, and commercial development near public transit stations throughout the county. Recipients were divided into four program areas:
Planning and Policy Implementation: This area supports local agencies in advancing long-term plans and policies that advance sustainable growth around transit. Grantees in this area will receive up to $175,000 each.
- City of San Jose – Consolidated Light Rail Urban Village and Station Area Planning Corridor
- City of Santa Clara – Santa Clara Station Area Form-Based Code
Community Resilience: This category funds initiatives by community-based organizations aimed at enhancing the stability and resilience of communities surrounding transit. Grantees in this area will receive up to $100,000 each.
- Carry the Vision – Community Rising Coalition
- Prosperity Lab – Business 360°
- School of Arts and Culture – La Avenida/La Placita Development Planning

Education and Engagement: Focused on elevating community leadership and engagement to shape their neighborhoods and advocate for equitable, transit-friendly policies. Grantees will receive up to $27,500 each.
- Palo Alto Forward – TOD Education, Engagement, & Advocacy
- Palo Alto Transportation Management Association – Mode shift for low-wage essential workers in Palo Alto
- Transform – Sustainable Transportation Education and Engagement
Placemaking, Arts, and Activation: This area funds creative placemaking initiatives to enrich public spaces around transit stations through art, culture, and beautification. Grantees will receive up to $15,000 each.
- Arts Mountain View – Mountain View Transit Project
- Cinequest Inc. – Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival
- Friends of Levitt Pavilion – Levitt San Jose 2024 Fall and Spring 2025 Concert Series
- Gilroy Arts Alliance – Our Community Pillars Project
- MACLA (Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana) – ¡WEPA! FEST
- San Martin Neighborhood Association – Spruce Up San Martin
VTA encourages transit-oriented development, providing long-term property leases for developers building market rate, affordable, and emergency housing near VTA light rail stations and transit centers. The TOC Grant Program complements this approach by extending a community investment strategy to the immediate neighborhoods next to train stations and transit centers to implement essential elements of strong communities including promoting affordable housing, small business retention, and enhancing vibrancy through arts and culture.
This is the first time VTA has granted funding for outside organizations to have an impact on the planning and policy, community resilience, education and engagement, and creative enrichment of public spaces. VTA will begin accepting applications for the 2025 program in the spring.