Speak at Upcoming APTA Events!
Here are two opportunities to share your knowledge and wisdom with your peers: at APTAtech and at APTA’s Sustainability/Operations Planning and Scheduling Workshop.

APTAtech, Aug. 4-7 in Philadelphia, PA, is APTA’s preeminent transportation technology conference, focusing on innovations in mobility, information technology, and the impact of equity on fare payment systems and revenue management.
Submit APTAtech proposals to present by March 4.

APTA’s Sustainability/Operations Planning and Scheduling Workshop, Aug. 18-21 in Washington, DC, brings together sustainability professionals, service planners, and policymakers to share best practices and discuss key industry trends.
The workshop will focus on climate resiliency, zero-emission vehicles, and stakeholder engagement to provide equitable service, as well as route/network design, service change implementation, integrating microtransit to enhance mobility, and more.
Submit your proposal to present by March 11. For questions, contact abstracts@apta.com.