Sixth of Eight New Streetcars Arrives in Kansas City

The newest streetcar for KC Streetcar, Kansas City, MO, has arrived from vehicle manufacturer CAF USA, Inc.
Vehicle #812 is the sixth of eight streetcars destined to support operations for the Main Street and Riverfront extensions, ultimately connecting the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) to Berkley Riverfront.
CAF, along with Silk Road Transport, delivered #812 more than 1,000 miles from Elmira, NY. The KCPD assisted with traffic control during the delivery and unloading of the vehicle. On-site, the streetcar was offloaded onto tracks and transported to the Kite Singleton Vehicle Maintenance Facility at 600 East 3rd Street.

KC Streetcar #812 will undergo shop testing for several weeks before it starts testing on the tracks. It is anticipated that the remaining new streetcars will arrive in Kansas City by the end of the year.
As with the original streetcar fleet (801-806), each new streetcar is a bi-directional vehicle approximately 77 feet long, weighs 78,000 lbs., and has a maximum rider capacity of 150 people. It offers level boarding at all streetcar stops. The new vehicles feature interior displays showing next stop arrivals, an enhanced on-board video surveillance system, and other system upgrades including exterior lights, air compressors, train-to-wayside communication system, and an advanced driver assist system.