SANDAG Launches First of its Kind Accessible Service
REPRESENTATIVES FROM SANDAG, San Diego, CA, and Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation (FACT) were joined by local community members recently to celebrate the launch of RideFACTNow, a new and first-of-its-kind on-demand specialized transportation service in the San Diego region. The service is for people using mobility devices, including wheelchairs, and will operate on a same-day basis with a maximum one-hour response time.

“RideFACTNow is a vital lifeline for our communities with mobility challenges so they can connect to the places they need and want to go in a timely manner,” said SANDAG Chairwoman Nora Vargas. “SANDAG is committed to investing in accessible transportation for all, and today is proof that removing economic and physical barriers paves the way for new viable transit options that improve the quality of life for a historically underserved community.”
The SANDAG Access for All Grant Program (AFA) awarded $2.5 million to FACT to fund RideFACTNow. The AFA supports projects and programs that expand on-demand wheelchair-accessible vehicle services in the San Diego region.