Register for TCRP Webinar on Paratransit Fleet Configurations

The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) is hosting a free webinar on Fleet Configurations for Paratransit Services Oct. 24, 2:00 p.m. Eastern.
Public transportation agencies have responded to growing paratransit demand by exploring ways to deliver better service, with some systems moving away from standard one-vehicle-type fleets in favor of a mixed fleet.
This webinar will focus on the findings of TCRP Synthesis 174: Paratransit Fleet Configurations, which evaluates the different ways that transit agencies have built out their dedicated paratransit fleets.
Panelists will discuss the benefits and challenges of reconfiguration.
- Will Rodman, Transit Mobility Program, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Dallas, TX
- Eileen Collins Turvey, TriMet, Portland, OR
- Bonnie Epstein, Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority, St. Petersburg, FL
- Paul Strobis, Broward County Transit, Plantation FL
- Robert Williams, Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority, Ann Arbor, MI