Register for FTA PTSCTP Webinar

FTA is hosting a Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP) webinar, Sept. 5 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern.
On Aug. 14, FTA published updates to the Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP) Regulation) that refine the communication process, add administrative requirements, and clarify voluntary participation and recertification training requirements. FTA incorporated feedback from a variety of stakeholders and has implemented updates to the final PTSCTP safety rule, including:
- Adding a recertification element defined by FTA.
- Requiring state safety oversight agencies (SSOAs) and rail transit agencies to establish a lead contact with FTA who must report semiannually about the status of their participation and their agency-defined recertification training requirements.
- Clarifying that voluntary participants are not required to complete recertification requirements to maintain their certification.
- Increasing flexibility in the training certification program.
- Updating definitions to clarify requirements and provide consistency with other FTA programs and regulations.
- Determining that mandatory participation will not extend to bus transit agencies and personnel.
The PTSCTP maintains the existing minimum training requirements for SSOA personnel and employees and contractors who are directly responsible for the safety oversight of a rail fixed guideway public transportation system.