NTD Reporting Request for Comment Deadline Extended

The deadline to submit comments on proposed improvements to National Transit Database (NTD) reporting has been extended to Jan. 29. Submit comments to the Federal Register.
On Oct. 31, 2024, FTA published a Request for Comment on seven proposed changes to the NTD reporting requirements. The proposed changes will ensure that NTD reporting collects accurate and comprehensive data that benefits the transit industry, riders, and communities. Proposed transit safety improvements include:
- Enhanced Safety Reporting for Cyber Security. FTA is proposing to clarify guidance on reporting cybersecurity events to better monitor and mitigate risks for transit agencies.
- Enhanced Safety Reporting for Rail Collisions. FTA is proposing alternatives to address rail collisions involving disabling damage, in line with FTA’s recent rulemaking on State Safety Oversight.
For additional support related to reporting, contact NTDHelp@dot.gov.