New CEO Named

Reginald Mason, Greensboro Transit Agency, NC
Reginald Mason has been named as the city of Greensboro’s first transit department director. The newly created department will oversee the Greensboro Transit Agency (GTA), NC.
The Greensboro Department of Transportation had overseen GTA since 1991, when it first began operating city transit buses. The Duke Power Company operated a private bus system from 1925 to 1991 in Greensboro.
Mason will be responsible for city-wide transit planning and transit management activities, as well as developing long-range public transportation plans. He will also provide leadership to the GTA management team and manage all existing in-house and contracted transit services.
Prior to coming to Greensboro, Mason served in safety, security, risk management and operations roles at major public transit agencies across the U.S., including in Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco and Houston. He also has experience working in the private sector, most recently serving as a project certification manager for Hill International in Phoenix.
For APTA, Mason is a member of the Rail Grade Crossing Working Group and Safety Coordinating Council and serves on the Rail Safety; Legislative; Small Operations and Innovative Funding, Finance and P3 committees.