Natalie Matter Bellis, Account Executive

YGS Association Solutions, APTA Advertising Sales Rep

Natalie has been a partner with APTA for over 8 years, attending conferences and consistently building strong connections within the association community. Here’s a quick Q&A to reveal some things you might not know about her.

  1. What’s a cause or issue you’re passionate about?
    I am very passionate about my kids and helping the lives of other children in my community. I love to coach, mentor, and volunteer within my son’s school system. I have a degree in elementary education and am very passionate about helping kids in any way I can.
  2. What’s a unique hobby or interest you have that not many people know about?
    I love to garden and have planted 1000’s of seeds this year to make a cut flower garden. I love to be outside playing baseball with my kids and coaching a team of little T Ball players is a high of my week.
  3. What’s the most memorable trip you’ve ever taken and what made it special?
    The most memorable trip I have ever been on was my honeymoon, we ended up getting stuck in Antigua in a Category 5+ Hurricane!
  4. If you could instantly become an expert in anything, what would it be?
    I would love to be a medical expert and help people feel better, or be the queen of tech, because that’s one area I always need help in.
  5. What’s a book, movie, or song that has had a significant impact on your life?
    Standing Room Only Tim McGraw. This is important because life is not a dress rehearsal.