Counting Down to APTA’s August Events!

APTA is excited to bring together the public transportation industry for three premier events in August: APTAtech, the Sustainability/Operations Planning and Scheduling Workshop, and the Workforce Summit!
The APTAtech Conference, Aug. 4-7 in Philadelphia, PA, is APTA’s preeminent transportation technology conference, spotlighting advancements in fare collection and revenue management, emerging and innovative technologies, cybersecurity, and mobility. More than 25 exhibitors will help organizations optimize their data governance strategy, customer experience, transit ticketing policy, and implementation of new technologies. Learn more and register.
The APTA Sustainability/Operations Planning and Scheduling Workshop, Aug. 18-21 in Washington, DC, will examine sustainable development, facilities planning, clean bus technologies, scheduling, route design and service planning for enhanced mobility, and much more, and will offer opportunities to participate in technical tours. Learn more and register.
APTA’s inaugural Workforce Summit, Aug. 21-23 in Washington, DC, is the forum for exchanging ideas and best practices and learning successful strategies for recruiting, reskilling, and retaining the public transit workforce. The Workforce Innovation Showcase will feature innovative products, services, and organizations that support workforce development. Learn more and register.