APTA Invites Participation in Bus On-Route Charging Whitepaper


The Power Subforum of the APTA Power, Signals, and Communications Technical Forum is to begin work on a whitepaper on bus on-route charging and is inviting contributors. The document will be produced under the APTA Standards Program and APTA is looking to add bus agency representation to the group effort—especially agencies that have experience with on-route charging.

The scope of the whitepaper will include details on various methods of remote charging of battery-electric buses and the safety considerations that would need to be addressed in order to make these methods viable. Especially of note will be the inclusion of details on the use of existing rail traction power infrastructure as a power source for remote charging schemes.

The kickoff meeting for the project is Sept. 19, 11:00 a.m. Eastern. Those wishing to participate should send notice of their interest to standards@apta.com.