Register for NTI Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making Course


Registration is open for the National Transit Institute’s (NTI) Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making course. The course will help federal recipients strengthen project decision-making, increase creativity in problem-solving, and implement outreach strategies to ensure project solutions are durable and lasting.

The course will be held over three days in St. Louis, MO, and Tampa, FL. Participants will be provided with opportunities to work through issues facing their own agency/organization and collaborate with classmates to create strategies that successfully address these challenges.

Participants will:

  • Explore the relationship between public involvement and project decision-making.
  • Navigate how interest-based problem solving can be used to improve communication, resolve conflict, and make collaborative decisions.
  • Gain access to various public involvement concepts, techniques, and tools that support productive and meaningful decision-making.
  • Create a public involvement plan that integrates the public involvement concepts, techniques, and tools from the course.
  • Examine different kinds of challenges and barriers to effective public involvement and identify effective strategies to overcome them.

Register here for April 16-18 in St. Louis, MO.

Register here for May 6-8 in Tampa, FL.

For additional information, contact Amy Gornik at