APTA Urges NHTSA to Fully Consider Autonomous Vehicle Petitions


APTA wrote to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Jan. 7, urging the agency to fully consider a HOLON U.S. Inc. petition currently being considered. HOLON U.S. Inc. is seeking a temporary exemption from various requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for an automated driving system (ADS)-equipped vehicle.

In the letter, APTA stated its strong support for public transit agencies’ “ability to deploy innovative technologies and services that assist in advancing mobility. These innovations allow agencies to offer new or expanded services and increase efficiency. Agencies can implement what works best for their service areas and customers with much needed flexibility from the U.S. Department of Transportation.”

Public transit agencies, APTA said, are working to advance autonomous vehicles as one of the most potentially impactful mobility innovations. Autonomous vehicles present new opportunities for APTA member agencies to expand their service. However, current regulations hamper public agencies from fully utilizing autonomous vehicles. HOLON and HOLON U.S. Inc. are seeking a waiver from several Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards to build and operate its “automated electric bus,” which is a vehicle equipped with an ADS, in the U.S. APTA urged NHTSA to fully consider this and similar petitions.

APTA believes ADS technology can have a potential transformative impact on public transportation and could provide significant public interest benefits, including a lifeline to agencies struggling to procure sufficient vehicles, improving access and equity, advancing technological innovation, onshoring an additional U.S.-based bus manufacturer, and creating new jobs.

APTA also urged NHTSA to update its regulations to provide a comprehensive federal framework to allow more public transit agencies to use autonomous vehicles to provide safe, sustainable, accessible, and convenient public transportation.