APTA Presents FTA with Proclamation for 60th Anniversary


From left: Paul P. Skoutelas, Veronica Vanterpool, MJ Maynard

APTA Chair MJ Maynard, CEO, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada; and President and CEO Paul P. Skoutelas presented FTA Deputy Administrator Veronica Vanterpool with a special proclamation recognizing FTA’s 60th Anniversary during the 2024 TRANSform in Anaheim, CA.

“Whereas, since its creation, the then Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) and the now Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has been extremely successful in achieving the goals of the UMTA Act to “assist in the development of improved mass transportation facilities, equipment, techniques, and methods with the cooperation of mass transportation companies both public and private” and “to encourage the planning and establishment of area wide urban mass transportation systems,” the proclamation stated.

“Whereas building upon this foundation, FTA has achieved further public goals directed through subsequent congressional actions, notably the Americans with Disabilities Act, landmark advances under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and numerous legislative actions to assure mobility following national disasters, and during the recent pandemic.

Now therefore be it resolvedthat the American Public Transportation Association acknowledges the 60th Anniversary of FTA and applauds its long-standing success in nurturing and sustaining the development of public transportation service and systems across the United States.”