Metrolink Champions Rail Safety with Community Programming Throughout September


As an engaged proponent of Rail Safety Month (September), Metrolink, Los Angeles, CA, is ramping up efforts to raise awareness and promote safe behaviors near railroad tracks and at crossings throughout Southern California.

“At Metrolink, we actively choose safety every day,” said Tim Morehead, interim chief safety, security, and compliance officer. “During Rail Safety Month, we want to help community members who interact with our system to adopt a similar mindset and develop good habits to keep them safe near railroad tracks. Throughout the month, we’ll be educating passengers as well as drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists about critical safety practices. We want people to stay off phones, listen attentively, and adhere to posted signage. By making it easier for others to choose safety, we can prevent tragedies and save lives.”

According to FRA statistics, last year, the five counties in which Metrolink primarily operates accounted for 33 percent of incidents involving trespassers statewide. To combat these and other rail safety incidents, the agency’s public awareness campaign includes a number of specific safety tips:

  • Stay alert around railroad tracks. Don’t use phones or wear headphones. Avoid any other distractions that would prevent hearing or seeing an approaching train.
  • Trains can come from either direction, so always look both ways at crossings. Never walk around or behind lowered gates at a crossing and do not cross the tracks until the lights have stopped flashing.
  • Never take photos or videos on or near railroad tracks. It’s not only dangerous, but it’s also illegal to be on the railroad right of way—this includes tracks, bridges, tunnels, signal towers, and other facilities.
  • Always wait behind the line while standing on the platform. Do not cross the line until the train is stopped and the doors open. Use handholds when boarding and detraining.
  • Save the phone number for Metrolink’s Security Operations Center—(866) 640-5190—under “Metrolink Safety” and call or text to report incidents or unsafe behavior in real time; if you see something, say something.

This year, Metrolink is partnering with schools, community groups, law enforcement, and other transportation agencies on a variety of initiatives designed to deter unsafe activity and promote good decision-making.

  • School partnerships: Metrolink is working with middle schools and high schools located within 500 feet of railroad tracks to deliver critical educational experiences for local youth.
  • Targeted enforcements: The LASD, Metrolink Bureau, and local law enforcement agencies will conduct weekly enforcement operations to correct unsafe behaviors, such as bypassing activated crossing gates, and educate the public on the importance of safe conduct near railroad tracks.